ODR – part 1

DAB is created by software

The DAB-MUX is created by software, for example “ODR mmbtools”. But manufacturers of off-the-shelf DAB+ transmitters also use other software that does just the same thing as ODR.

“ODR mmbtools” is open source software that runs on LINUX. All information about ODR can be found at “open digital radio” . All modules of “ODR mmbtools” can be downloaded from the “ODR github” which also explains how to install the different modules.

Very soon we will publish here a simple step-by-step plan on how “ODR mmbtools” can be easily installed and configured. We are already going over the basics of most important parts of “ODR mmbtools”.

The “ODR-Dab Mux” module

The heart of “ODR mmbtools” is the “ODR Dab Mux” module. In the configuration file of this module (among others) the following “ensemble parameters” are determined:

– label and shortlabel of the “service” (radio broadcasters name)

– pty code and language of each service

– tcp address for the audio input

– bit rate of the service

– ID, protection level

– zeroMQ output tcp address

ODR-DabMux” is thus the “multiplexer” in which it will be determined how many radio broadcasters will be transmitted on the MUX, what quality (bitrate) they will use and what the FEC will be.

The output in “ETI format” can be sent over network, internet or STL to a suitable DAB+ station. But the output signal can also be sent to the “ODR-DabMod” module for use of transmitters working this way.

About what how and where to set in the configuration file, we will come back to it later in the roadmap. Examples are available at “ODR github
