Does DAB+ also have RDS?
DAB+ uses a system to provide additional information (data) concerning the radiostation and program similar to RDS (Radio Data System). However, we do not call it RDS anymore.
DAB+ is an entirely digital system, so sending additional data with the audio is not a problem. Many stations also send pictures as a slideshows, showing their logo, DJ, photo, album cover, etc. It is called MOT (Multimedia Object Transfer).
DAB+ is technically quite different without any comparison to the RDS system. Some data, such as track titles and artists, are inserted directly into the HE-AAC audio stream. We call this information PAD (Program Associated Data).
One can use additional space in the HE-AAC stream we call EXTENDED PAD (extra chunks of 8kbps). One can use the extra 8 kbps to transport a slide show (MOT). It is essential to realize that a station with a bit rate of 88 kbps and a slide show of 8kbps only streams audio at 80 kbps!
More station information is inserted in the Fast Information Channel (FIC) and carries station information under the general name of Multiplex Configuration Information (MCI).